Hi! I’m Jeff, a brazilian illustrator, concept artist, storyboarder and art director with 8+ years of experience. I’m skilled at 2D illustration, digital painting, digital collage and I can do little frame-by-frame animations.
I’m a versatile artist and I can adapt seamlessly to a few different art styles. I have some good ideas in my head and I like to explore humor, storytelling and the absurdity of life in my personal work.
Currently AD at Histeria.
Get in touch if you need some cool, cute, weird or ugly illustrations.
Clients Include:
Google, Greenpeace Brasil, Riot Games, Youcom, Kevin o Chris, Tintas Renner...

If you need some cool, cute, weird, ugly illustrations and animations or need someone on your team, Send me a message at: jeff.biglia@gmail.com or use the form below.
Thanks! You must be a gorgeous human being.
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